Mueller Pro-Series 10 in 1, 8 Blade Vegetable Slicer, Onion Mincer Chopper, Vegetable Cutter, Chopper, Dicer, Egg Slicer with Container
In astrology humans are identified by 12 zodiac signs according to their birth month in entire cycle of year. Each zodiac is defined with its specific characteristics reflected in human being that represents them.
Some are short tempered others mild, some are rapid executioners and others are idealists and slow in executing their ideas and plans, some are routine lovers others require slight changes in routines and love the innovations, some are tedious, lethargic and others time conscious and give value to time.
Alex's mother was Aquarian (one of these zodiac signs - 11th in series) and she
was housewife. Alex saw her all the time busy in errands and cooking etc.
as she was Aquarius so it was quite difficult for her to not allow the boredom and annoyance she felt from routine work as Aquarians are lovers of constant slight changes
in routines and hate the same routine every day.
So he always found her reluctantly carrying out these routine errands. He
couldn't find himself able to help her in any way but he tried always to
determine the most boring and irritating routine task for her mother and
endeavored to find any Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget that could relieve her in doing that particular
So he found out that his mother was quite irritant of chopping, slicing and
grating of vegetable and fruit ingredients for meal and that task had wasted so
much of her time to keep her away from having quality time with her family,
secondly it was a routine task so being Aquarian she started disliking this
So the journey starts from there when Alex came out with an intent to find such Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget that could relieve her mother in carrying out that task.
So he visited the store and had seen a gadget with excitement that served all those purposes that had put her mother in irritating state of mind, which she was silently bearing on.
What was that? Alex asked from the shopkeeper, and shouted
inadvertently with great delight 'Hurrah! I found the Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget i needed most'.
Once getting known to the details about the features, he inquired the price of
that gadget. And he found it slightly difficult for him to purchase it in that
particular moment because his savings from his part-time job were short of $8
to the price.
So he decided to make out that remaining amount on the same day
owing to his excitement to make his mother happy and to his anxiety that the Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget may go short in stock if he delayed the purchase.
Thus he requested the shopkeeper to book that item for him by giving the amount
available in his pocket to the shopkeeper, and asking him that he would get back
soon in the evening with remaining $8 that he would try to earn that day by
seeking some odd job.
The shopkeeper offered him that if he wanted to seek some work for this purpose, the truck carrying new stock for the shop was about to come, if he would stay there for a while, he could earn $11 for off-loading that truck.
That was the opportunity on spot for him, because he was only $8 short of the
price. Remaining $3 he construed as a blessing that he would get in advance
from God because all he was doing was just for pleasing her mother.
He chose to stay and in a short while the truck arrived. He finished the task
with enthusiasm and was returned with the Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget plus $3 by the shopkeeper.
So he happily returned to his home, knocked the door and after entering to his
home presented this great gift to his mother who had gone excited once looking
at that most valuable item purchased only for her ease.
Features of Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget
Her mother was quite happy with the innovative design having Free-up countertop space with Food Container to use the Food Holder while cutting small vegetable and fruit.
It prevented the food from slipping while being sliced. She seemed quite satisfied with that quality of keeping food clean, safe and its being easy to work with having no hassles of washing and wiping.
Only she had to dismantle it and just
put it in dishwasher to clean it easily in minutes with the complementary
scrubbing fork. The compact size also allowed her to store it anywhere.
Her mother commented that it was also useful in health perspective because of its characteristic of saving the time. Busy lifestyles had fallen the world population into the fast-food trap. Taking no time and effort to dice, chop and slice the ingredients of a desired dish would surely make everyone escape the fast-food trap.
She said to Alex, 'you have brought me such a valuable gift that from now on, i would enjoy having more time with you and other members of family without dropping any of the important nutrition'.
Further she said that it would make her life easier, better and more enjoyable.
The first day of its use had overwhelmingly inspired Alex and his mother due to its being fast and efficient. They were also impressed by the premium quality and durability of material.
Further the quality of its being safe to use, easy to dismantle, clean and store had given the supplementary advantage to both of them. Alex also enjoyed working with her mother in kitchen using that Super Efficient Kitchen Gadget.
More details about features
Chopper details
Slicer detail
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